Charlie: “The den is super nice. It has an open walk-in closet where I could store my tons of books and a great spot for a window seat. I think I could turn this room into a really nice library. I really like the walls! What a yummy color – chocolate!”

Charlie: “This is exciting! According to the photos, which I hope are not that old, there is a lake! And look at the price! It really is as reasonable as Bette mentioned. I can’t wait to see it!”

Charlie: “Those photos were recent! This is awesome. The garden is perfect – not too much for one person to take care of. Shakespeare, let’s go look at the lake!”

Shakespeare: “Woof”
Charlie plays a quick game of fetch with Shakespeare in the back yard before walking in through the patio doors into the kitchen.

Charlie: “Oh my gosh! Look! A fireplace in the great room! I love it! It isn’t over-powering the great room like at the first house. I feel like writing already!
Charlie: “You know Bette, this house has everything I am looking for. The bathrooms are big enough plus everything is my favorite color, green, and the price is more than reasonable. I don’t really need to see anything else, I am almost sure this is the house for us.
Bette: “You should really look at one more before you make this big decision. And while you were at work today, I found another to show you. Here is a folder of photos and a layout for you to take a look at. This next house is smaller than the other two, but it still costs a bit more than this last house you looked at.
House 3 – 9052 Alpine Drive–2 bedroom 2 bath loft house with newly added detached garage, upper deck, and expanded upstairs bathroom. - $71,258

Charlie: “Wow Bette, you’re prepared! When do we visit this next house?”
Bette: “If you have time, we can drive over now.”
Charlie: “Sounds great! Let’s do it! Shakespeare! Let’s go buddy!”
Charlie, Shakespeare, and Bette drive 15 minutes to the last home on Bette’s list. It’s not as large as the other two and according to the layout, Charlie does not see a formal, or even semi-formal, dining room. It looks really rustic though, even more so than the other two homes.
Charlie: “Wow, look at that huge deck! And the gardens are beautiful!”
Bette: “That was a recent add-on. It wasn’t in the original plans but the owner wanted to be able to view the valley and open up this side of the house with a few more windows. Since they were already building the garage, they decided to add the deck at the same time. They removed a 2nd closet in the upstairs bedroom in order to put in a sliding glass door. “
Charlie: “I can see why he wanted the deck, that view is amazing from down here. I can’t wait to see it from up on the deck. I can just imagine watching the sun rise on the deck with a hot cup of java.”
Charlie: “This patio is really nice! I love the masonry. While I don’t see a lake or pond, the yard is still really nice. It’s very woodsy and secluded. I would certainly have plenty of privacy and could install a hot tub.”
Charlie: “The kitchen is disappointing. I really don’t like it. While it is cozy and would be good for only one person, it just doesn’t have the space for even a semi-formal dinner.”
Charlie: “The bathroom in this place is plenty big for giving Shakespeare a bath. And look, there is even shelving area to keep my towels right in the bathroom. That is very nifty!”
Bette: “Charlie, there is another bathroom upstairs next to the upstairs bedroom. When the deck was added on, they expanded that bathroom as well. It used to only have a shower area, now it has a tub and shower. No more waiting for the shower when you have weekend guests!”
Charlie: “Oh that is great! My dad hates driving in the dark, which is another reason he rarely visits. In my apartment I had no where for him to sleep other than the couch and Shakespeare would never let him get any rest! Then to have to share that tiny bathroom with no shower...lets just say we were both grumpy for the first few hours of the day! Let’s go upstairs and check out that deck!”
Charlie: “That bedroom was a nice size. And this deck is amazing, I can see the bell-tower of the town hall all the way from up here when I look through my binoculars. The deck is a major selling point!”
Bette: “I thought you would like it, which was why I wanted you to see it.”
Charlie: “Well Bette, I need to really think about which of these houses I really like. I will call you first thing in the morning with my decision.”
Bette: “Thanks Charlie! The sooner the better, these houses are hot and won’t be on the market long!”
• What are your thoughts on the houses you saw?
House 1 was huge and had a huge price tag to go with it. It did have the formal dining room but was missing a lake. The gardens were really over the top – I don’t foresee me using the greenhouse much as I am not really a gardener. The rest of the house was awesome. I loved the chocolate plaster walls and the big window between the great room and kitchen. The master suite was amazing, I would so feel like a princess with all of that space! I really enjoyed the den as well...I can just see all my books in that closet.House 2 was perfect and the price tag was even less than I planned to spend leaving me more money for decorating. I totally loved the lake in the back yard. With this house, my dad can visit for a week at a time and we won't get annoyed with one another. He will have plenty to do with fishing and hanging out with Shakespeare. The kitchen and dining room was exactly what I was looking for. I loved the pantry and that the garage was backed right up to the kitchen. Bringing in the groceries will be much easier here. I can really see myself not only entertaining in this house but also writing some great best sellers!House 3 was awesome as well. It was smaller than house 2, and cost a few thousand more because of the recent renovations – bathroom remodel, deck, and garage. The renovations were a great addition to the house, its really a good buy. The yard was good – it was very spacious but it didn’t have a lake. I could see myself writing here, it's so peaceful. The deck, with it's view, is inspiring in itself. The kitchen was way too small for me – it was an eat-in kitchen and there was no dining room at all. I would really have to plan my entertainment for the weather as I would have to have dinner parties on the patio.... That isn’t a bad idea, really, but I think I would much rather have options.All three houses had bathroom space galore! Shakespeare appreciated that for sure. I don’t think I will see him barking at the sink, trying to get it to move, in any of these houses.
• How do you feel about leaving your current house?
I am really ready to move, as I am sure Shakespeare is too. He has no room to really run around and play and I am dying for a quiet place to call my own. While I love my neighbors dearly, they seem to come over all the time. Living further away from them will assure that I am able to finish future book deals without interruption or delays. Besides...with all the extra space living in one of these homes, I can invite them over when ever I want! Having a spare bedroom will be a luxury as well and I know my dad will love it.
• Which of the 3 houses is your favorite?
I loved all three houses and choosing is really tough! My most favorite of all of them is house 2. It had all the features I wanted and more! And with it being well below the price range I had planned I can begin to put together a real library...I need to get the shelves ordered, a new desk, a new up-to-date computer! Oh wow! I am so excited. I can’t wait to sign and move in!
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